Popup Window
Popup Window sticks on the edges of your screen and pops up when you tap the tab.
Keep your screen in order and your files tidy and together with Popup Window.

Download Free Trial Version:

Free Trial Version v1.3.5 for OSX 10.7-10.9
(this is the same as the paid version except it has a restriction on total window count)
Beta Version v1.4b2 for OSX 10.9
(includes support for Smart Folders and Tags, excludes Labels)
• Keep folders at the screen edge. Keep them collapsed when not necessary.
• Customizable icon size.
• Drag & drop an icon from/to Popup Windows.
• Swtichable between normal/mini headers.
• Keep them in front, or keep them behind your working window.
• Multiple-displays and Retina-display ready.
※ This app has the same features as the Popup Window plug-in in our Tab Notes application.
Q. The application does not open. It does't work.
A. This app is a menu bar app. App icon does not appear in Dock. It is designed to serve you discreetly without occupying Dock space. The application icon appears in the right part of the main menu bar at the top of the screen.

Q. Isn't there any "Preferences" for this app?
A. Yes there are. The menu icon of this app is located in the right part of the main menu bar at the top of the screen. You can choose this app's Preferences here.
Q. It would not let me delete the app.
A. Finder does not let you delete an app that is currently running. Quit the app first. To quit the app, choose Quit from this application's menu in the main menu bar at the top of the screen. (Even though this app may be running, while in stand by, its CPU power usage is almost nothing.)
Q. How do I change sort order?
A. Press and hold Control key then click a tab. Contextual menu appears. (Depending on device configurations, right-click on mouse or two finger click on track pad may be used.)
Q. I have an app that conflicts with this app for using screen edge.
A. You can change which screen edge you want to use from Preferences of this app. In multi monitor configutaion, each screen edge of each monitor can be turned on/off independently.
Some things we already considered or tried but :
• Dragging an image from Popup Window and then dropping on Imgur in Safari as Erica Sadun tried...
- Probably this depends on Imgur and Safari functionality limitations. Dragging an image on Imgur works on other browsers such as Firefox.
• Can I drag an opened Finder window (or any application window) to the screen edge like in Sticky Windows?
- No. As the developer of Sticky Windows said, it is impossible with the current OSX. Please do not compare Popup Window with Sticky Windows. Popup Window is not a replacement for Sticky Windows.
• Can I drag a folder alias to the screen edge and then turn the alias into the original item?
- No. Currently it is mandatory in the Mac App Store to use the "Sandbox" system in apps. This means Popup Window can only access folders that you have allowed. If you pass an alias to Popup Window, the app can access the alias itself, but not the original. (This is the reason why when you click an alias in Popup Window, Popup Window cannot redirect to its original.)
• There is not much difference between this app and Folder Stack on Dock.
- After using Popup Window you will soon realize it really is different to Folder Stack.